Section 1 – Getting to Know Dash and Dot - Use Apps for Control
- Introduction to Robotics with Dash & Dot - 2 hours+ (4 Activities)
What is a robot? How do we control Dash? Introduce Dash with Go App and Path App. Make a grid on the floor and use math to determine distances moved. Activities:
(1) Use Go App and Name Robots
(2) Use Go App to Control Dash
(3) Use Path App – Grid on floor and measurements of how dash moves
(4) Use Path App – Open ended exploration using Race Track and other adventures
- Wondering with Dash - 2 hours+ (3 Activities)
Students use the Wonder App and learn to control Dash. Students learn about events, sequence, and what they can control with Dash. This is a pre-curser to learning programming. Activities:
(1) Wonder App Controller
(2) Scroll Quest Adventures
(3) Wonder App Free Play
- Dash Can Play the Xylophone – 1 to 2 hrs (3 Activities)
Use the Xylophone accessory and teach Dash to play a few songs.
(1) Setup the Xylophone accessory and play pre-recorded songs
(2) Create and play Happy Birthday Song (optional - have a party for Dot)
(3) Create and play Erie Canal Song
- Dash’s Adventures in History - 2 hrs+ (4 Activities)
Dash time travels back in History to explore a topic. Integrates with social studies lesson for Erie Canal. But can also work for Lewis & Clark, Columbus, etc. Students write a story, use a map, and develop a presentation about Dash’s adventure.
(1) Conduct Research and Learn about Erie Canal (or provide information to read)
(2) Use a Map and recreate key points on grid, use Path App to travel
(3) Create a multimedia presentation about Erie Canal
(4) Share presentation with class (or parents)
- Dash Explores Newton’s Laws - 2 hrs (4 Activities)
Use the launch accessory, the bulldozer accessory, and the Wonder App to explore Newton’s 3 laws of physics with Dash.
(1) Newton’s First Law – Objects at rest, objects in motion
(2) Newton’s Second Law – Force causes objects to travel faster
(3) Newton’s Third Law – Every action has equal and opposite reaction
(4) Pushes and Pulls – how does direction affect the motion?
Section 2 – Dash can Dance and Avoid Obstacles - Learn to Control Dash with Blockly Code
8 to 9 hrs (14 to 16 Activities) – Great for grades 3-5. If you need to skip lessons, keep the coding lessons and then choose particular math or science lessons to focus on.
These 6 lessons are in sequence to teach Blockly coding and go from easy to more difficult. These lessons are broken into 20 to 30 min activities and introduce coding. The Blockly code is entry level including movements and making fun noises with the robots. Loops (repeating code over and over) are introduced as part of a fun dance routine in the final lesson.
- Introduction to Coding and Hour of Code with Dash and Dot. - 2 hrs+ (4 Activities)
What is a program and how do we make one? Intro to Blockly App. Defining actions first, then programming. Dot acts as a remote control for Dash. Dash becomes a zombie – follows a voice.-
- Activity 1: Dash and Dot Have Sensors (30 min)
- Activity 2: Unplugged Puppeteer (30 min)
- Activity 3: Blockly App (45 to 60 min or more if first time use)
- Activity 4: Hour of Code (60 min or more)
- Number Line Moves - 45 min to 1 hour (1 Activities)
Introduction to Algorithms. Write commands to create an algorithm to move forward. Uses Blockly App and move forward code. Also debug a program. Math - Add and subtract in multiples of 10, number lines, fractions.- Activity 1: Number line movement (45 min)
- Step by Step (Obstacle Course) - 2 hrs (3 Activities)
Introduce Algorithms as a recipe – a sequence of steps in order. Scientific method. Breaking problems down into steps. Measuring distances and program Dash to avoid objects in an obstacle course.- Activity 1: Does Order Matter? (25 minutes)
- Activity 2: Make and Follow an Algorithm (30 minutes)
- Activity 3: Obstacle Course Design Challenge (40 - 60 minutes or May go into an additional class time)
- Dash Adventures in a Fractional World - 2 hrs (4 Activities)
Learn how to multiply a whole number by a fraction using a number line on the floor with Dash. Then write word problems and create a presentation.- Activity 1: Applaud for Dash Part 1 (25 - 30 minutes)
- Activity 2: Applaud for Dash Part 2 (25 - 30 minutes)
- Activity 3: A Fraction of a Story (20 - 30 minutes)
- Activity 4: Presentation Time (20 - 30 minutes)
- A Series of Unfortunate Events - 2 hours (3 Activities)
Students teach Dash and Dot to respond to events. They also do the Hokey Pokey with Dash. Learn Programming control with If statements, Repeat until, Event handling, and Senses.- Activity1: Senses and Sensors (30 minutes)
- Activity 2: Event Handling With Dash and Dot (30-¬40 minutes)
- Activity 3: Class Presentations (20-30 minutes)
- Dance the Loopedy-Loop - 1 Hr (3 Activities)
Students create a dance routine for Dash where they use loops in code and learn how to repeat code over and over again. Introduces Loops, Repeat forever, Repeat __ times, Repeat until- Activity 1: Why Use Loops (10 minutes)
- Activity 2: Understanding Different Types of Loops (25 - 30 minutes)
- Activity3: Robot Dance Party (30 minutes)
Section 3 - Think Like an Engineer with Dash - Apply Coding to Explore Math and Science
16 to 18 hrs (28 to 30 Activities) - This section is better for grades 4-5 and can be skipped if you do not have enough time. Section 2 coding lessons are required as a prerequisite to this section.
These 10 lessons are in order from easier to more difficult coding challenges. Each lesson is 1 to 2 hours broken into 20 minute activities. We recommend going through them in this sequence. If you need to skip a lesson because you don't have the materials for it, review the coding that was introduced in that lesson and introduce it in the next lesson. You may also break the lessons up so that a Math teacher uses the math lessons and a Science teacher uses the science lessons, but try to coordinate the sequence of lessons.
Section 4 – Explore Planets, Mimic Animals, Apply math and Compete in Games
6 to 8 hrs (6 – 10 Activities) – Most are appropriate for all grades. Choose one or more of these lessons for a fun ending to the class.
These 5 lessons are great endings for a course or after school program. They are fun activities where students can demonstrate their skills of controlling the robot. These include a Robot Petting Zoo, Games with competitions, and becoming a Rover on another planet.